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Affairs of M/Men

M/M Romance Reviews by Maybedog

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Honesty and Artifice
S.H. Allan
S.H. Allan
G.S. Wiley, Rowan McAllister, Dawn Douglas, Stephen Osborne, Anna Martin, Elizabella Gold, K. Lynn, Eva Clancy, Rhidian Brenig Jones, Anna Butler, Caitlin Ricci, S.H. Allan, Rob Rosen, River Clair, Nico Jaye, A.C. Valentine
Absent-Minded Astrophysicist - T.N. Tarrant This isn't the most well-written book I've ever read, but it was VERY sweet. The couple is so cute. Liam is a unique character and very interesting. Jareth is so kind and gentle, extremely patient and supportive, although I think the wooing went on a little long. I loved that Liam was somewhat overweight and that Jareth still thought he was hot.

At one point someone suggests that Liam has Asperger's and someone else said no. He totally does. There are different levels, and the fact that he can't read people at all, has really poor social skills, needs help with basic skills like shopping for clothing and getting to and from places, and is highly intelligent, are just some of the symptoms that fit. But that doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing. He is very highly functioning, obviously.

There weren't enough women in the story, especially that were positive. There were characters that could have easily been female and weren't. I think there were six women total, two of whom were nameless and three of whom were evil. I really hate it when women writers do that. Well anyone, but particularly women. I think they perceive gay men as being anti-women or something.

I think she handled the situation with Jareth's previous love fairly well. I didn't like that practically everyone Liam met before he came to the institute was homophobic. It was ridiculous that the only ones who weren't homophobic were gay. The bosses were a threesome and I just don't like the cavalier way that was handled. It felt unrealistic and unnecessary.

As far as the sex, it was mediocre, and I thought the reference to toys was way out of character and way too soon for Jareth to mention to Liam given how long the courting was due to Liam's discomfort with sex). I did, however, like that sexual things were mentioned that most books in this genre don't.

But I really loved the caring between the couple and I even thought the cat thing was good (I am not a big cat fan) even though it would never be allowed into the hospital unless it had been certified as a therapy cat or something. I would read more about this couple.

2.5 stars rounded up to 3 because of the cat.