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Affairs of M/Men

M/M Romance Reviews by Maybedog

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Honesty and Artifice
S.H. Allan
S.H. Allan
G.S. Wiley, Rowan McAllister, Dawn Douglas, Stephen Osborne, Anna Martin, Elizabella Gold, K. Lynn, Eva Clancy, Rhidian Brenig Jones, Anna Butler, Caitlin Ricci, S.H. Allan, Rob Rosen, River Clair, Nico Jaye, A.C. Valentine
Not Without My Daughter - Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer I'd like to give this book 2.5 stars but alas... I found the book interesting but it was sensationalistic and extremely culturally biased. The premise is horrific and I can completely understand her hatred and fear. However, nothing is black and white and just because the way women are treated is abominable doesn't mean that everything in the culture is bad and everything the people do is wrong and horrible.

The one scene that sticks out in my mind is that she spends hours every day picking tiny bugs out of the grain. Most of the women don't bother, they just cook and eat the grain with the bugs in it. She is horrified and repulsed and uses this as proof that they're monsters.

Sure, as Americans we don't eat a lot of bugs voluntarily. We're grossed out by the concept. But lots of cultures eat bugs and if they're not harmful, who are we to judge? They probably have protein. Plus, who wants to spend hours every day picking bugs out of grain?

I read this a long time ago so that's the only example I can remember off hand but I think it's important that we evaluate each piece of a society on its own merits and not just vilify the entire thing simply because we don't like part of it. I think this is particularly important nowadays with a huge portion of the world trying to kill us because of *our* way of life.